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Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby BrookeLynn

I am SO excited because today…


The hospital called my sister this morning to tell her that BrookeLynn could come home today!

Bailey had to RUSH out to pick up some last minute things and it was up to us to remember to take everything to the hospital.. and meet her there! WELL halfway there we realized we forgot her heart monitor! ugh! so we had to go all the way back home and back to the hospital! but it was completely worth it!

Here she is.. isn’t she beautiful?!

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you would think out of all the  pictures I took today that I would have one with BrookeLynn and her mommy but.. sadly I don’t! =( i’ll get some soon though!

I’m heading back to school in the morning! I don’t have class until 11:00 so i’m gonna head out around 8:30!  I wanted to spend atleast one night with my gorgeous Brookie!

Good Night everyone! Don’t let the bed bugs bite! ;)



Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

ahhhh ohmygosh she is too flipping cute for words!!! =) Welcome home little BrookLynn!

Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

Suze said...

Awe YAY soooo glad she got to come home! praying for her and the family :)

Jordan said...

She is adorable!

Sara Rae said...

Aw, she's adorable. Have fun playing with you're new niece!

Megan said...

She is adorable!! Seriously! Love her and I'm so glad that she is home!!

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